very special thank you goes to my brother Kevin who got me Front Page 98 for my birthday. Without this program I would not have been able to have made this site as extensive as it is nor as easily as I did.
This web site was created using Microsoft's Front Page 98. What can I say? If you're like me and want to create a web site for yourself or company and don't know html then this is the program to get. This entire site was made without the need to write a single line of code. The tables, the guest book, the forms, the framesets, the graphics, etc were all made without ever having to resort to the html editor. All I can say is, WOW!
The Celtic themes that you see
throughout the site were gotten from two sources:
Celtic letters and knots were gotten for free from Ireland Information
The Celtic backgrounds were also provided free from Icon Bazaar.
The Lynch Family Coat of Arms was purchased online from Fleur~de~lis Designs. They have a variety of formats that they sell from electronic to parchment. I was very pleased with the style and the research that they did, (the Coat of Arms that is on Home page shows the correct version that contains the motto: Semper Fidelis; The more well know version that is blue did not actually contain the motto.)