Andrew Michael Lynch
Of course most of you know me because you're family so don't bore yourself on this page but visit the rest of the site and check to see if I made a mistake with your information and then tell me about it. This page is for those members of the family that are just now getting back together.
I was named after two great-great uncles Andrew Hunter Wilson and Michael, (haven't gotten anything yet on this one Mom), and was born in Altoona, PA. Shortly after, Dad re-enlisted in the Navy and I spent the next 18 years travelling from Philadelphia to Charleston to Stockton to Morocco, (don't grab the globe, that's in Africa). When I was 16 we ended up back in Altoona where I graduated from Altoona Area High School and Pennsylvania State University as an Electrical Engineer. Made the mistake of graduating during a depression in my industry so went to work with dad at Auto Electric Service Company, Inc., since cars have become so computerized, and eventually became a partner. In 1980 I married Agnes Marie McMullen and proceeded to have six children, (did someone say we come from a fertile family?). In 1988 I became involved in the Boy Scouts as a den leader and Assistant Cubmaster. When my oldest son became a boy scout I was a leader in both the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Currently, I am only involved in the Boy Scouts as Assistant Scoutmaster of Penn's Woods Council Troop 221 in Ashville, PA. While teaching the boys the Fishing merit badge I got hooked on Flyfishing since you have to be completely involved and the last thing the fish care about is whether their car is fixed or not.
In 1983 I became a member of the Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and in 1991 I was Master of Hiram Lodge #616 in the 20th Masonic District. If my wife doesn't throw me out of the house because of the noise I am trying to learn the bagpipes to become a member of the Shrine's Highlanders Unit.
Several years ago dad and I became interested in our family history and talked about ways of putting in down in electronic format. Our biggest reason was to show our kids reasons to be proud of their Scottish and Irish heritage. Thanks to an error while backing up my wife's documents on her family's history, (yeah, it's called loosing the whole thing), I decided to change the way that I recorded it and this led me to the html format that I am using now.
I hope that as you look over these pages that you help contribute to the recording of our family history.
My two favorite things
to Family Tree